Reno -
46 miles
Sacramento -
86 miles
San Francisco -
173 miles
Kingvale Resort is off Interstate 80, 5.9 miles east of the Cisco Grove exit. The resort is a favorite place for families to gather and enjoy snow play and sledding on their own.
Kingvale Resort offers several slopes. The main hill is long and wide, while a smaller hill is great for younger visitors. Riders bring their own plastic sleds or saucers (no tubes). There are no lifts, but the slopes are groomed and the runouts at the bottom are long. Restrooms are available at the foot of the slope and in the parking lot.
5,340 feet
Take Interstate 80 to Exit 171.
Admission rates for Kingvale Resort Snow Play are for all day, but entry fee does not include use of a sled or saucer. Bring your own or purchase from the resort ($26 purchase price).
$20 per vehicle to park (cash)
Plus $25 per person for snow play and sledding (children under 2 free)
Non-participants are free but must watch from outside the sled area.
Open every day thorugh Jan. 2
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Days and hours of operation may vary due to weather.
One of California's Sno-Parks is located off Interstate 80 at the same exit as Boreal Mountain Resort on Donner Summit. At the exit, instead of turning right to the ski area, turn left to the Sno-Park. A permit is required to park at the Sno-Park from November 1 through May 30. Day permits are $15, season permits are $40.
The Donner Summit Sno-Park is popular with cross country skiers and snowmobilers. The level area around the parking lot is good for snow play and there are some small, undeveloped sliding hills nearby.
Sno-Park permits can be purchased online with an additional $1.95 added to the price: Sno-Park Permits. Or permits may be purchased from local Sno-Park Permit Vendors.