Carson City -
14 miles
S. Lake Tahoe -
15 miles
Sacramento -
117 miles
Spooner Summit is an informal sledding hill at the junction of highways 50 and 28 on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. The sledding hill has a steep gradient near the top, but participants can always start their rides farther down the hill.
The hill is free and participants must bring their own saucers, plastic toboggans, or tubes. Everyone gets plenty of exercise walking up the hill.
Parking is also free at a lot at the base of the hill. Expect it to be crowded on weekends, and especially during holiday periods. One of the drawbacks is that there are no restrooms. However, restrooms are available just north on Highway 28 at Spooner Lake State Park ($10 entrance fee).
7,050 feet
From Carson City or South Lake Tahoe, drive up Highway 50 to Highway 28. Turn onto Highway 28 and then very soon turn left onto a small side road leading to the parking lot.
When the snow level is low enough, there are some nice sliding hills at nearby Kahle Park in Stateline. Another choice is the snow play area at a golf course in Incline Village: Incline Village Snow Play.
Spooner Summit's Upper Hill
Broken Sled Collection Corral
Please don't add to this collection. Take your broken sleds home with you.